Week 16 - Cost Effective Timber Frame Insulation

Week 16 – Cost Effective Timber Frame Insulation

This Month’s Solutions will focus on Timber Frame Insulation to achieve a u-value of 0.18

Timber Frame Wall Insulation - Week 12

Our Final Solution in this months series is a cost effective timber frame insulation solution for those looking to meet building regulation requirements without breaking the bank. The combination of SF19+with glass wool and a reflective breather membrane help to maximise efficiency through every part of the wall. By replacing your standard breather membrane with SFBB you can add significant additional thermal performance for a very small cost. Add to that a relatively thin layer of glass wool insulation which is cheap and easy to buy and a layer of SF19+and you have a solution that is not only thermally efficient but also provides significant noise insulation. As this solution only requires 100mm studs, it also avoids the high costs associated with expensive thick timber.

For more details contact us.






Week 16 - Cost Effective Timber Frame Insulation

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