We never like to say goodbye to our team members, but we’re always very proud of those who move on to greater things.
Now, Rob Quinton, the man behind one of our newest products, SuperClose is moving on to pastures new… and he’s launching a new brand of his own, Shire Construction Products!
Shire Construction Products
Based at Shirebook in Derbyshire, Shire Construction products will manufacture pre-formed insulated cavity closers for the construction industry.
These tailor-made A-Frame Former cavity closers provide high performance insulation for window surrounds while reducing the need for on-site joinery. The company will also supply other construction products through an online shop.
Rob joined SuperFOIL a little over a year ago as a sales manager and he’s been a great member of the team. And it seems he got a lot out of the experience too – as he explains:

“14 months after I joined SuperFOIL, I’m excited to be building a new company, Shire Construction Products.
“Working at SuperFOIL was an incredible experience and it’s inspired me to launch a new company. The entrepreneurial way of thinking which is encouraged within SuperFOIL has taught me so much about business and how to succeed.
“One of the best things about SuperFOIL is their eagerness to build on the ideas of their team. When I told the managing director, Will about my idea for wide rolls of SFTV, he saw the opportunity it represented and together, we dove straight into making the idea a reality and making it a success. SuperFOIL showed me how, with enthusiasm, hard work and ingenuity, you can take an idea, develop it, bring it to market in next to no time.”
Rob Quinton, Director of Shire Construction Products
Joining Robert at Shire Construction Products is his former YBS colleague, Ritchie Bleackley. Together, they bring 37 years of experience in the construction and insulation industries.
Still working together
This won’t be the last we’ll see of Rob at SuperFOIL – in fact, our two companies will be workign together closely in future as our products complement each other perfectly. Shire will even be selling our range of insulation products through their online shop.
We’ve already started this cooporation in supporting the NHS during the coronavirus pandemic, with both our products being used in the construction of new temporary buildings to help hospitals dealing with COVID-19.
Our Managing Director, Will Bown explains more:
“We’re sad to see Rob leave the SuperFOIL team but we’re really excited for him. From when he first joined us after leaving YBS, he proved himself to be a great colleague and I’m sure he’ll do well with Shire Construction Products. Our two companies will be working together closely and, together, our products can deliver exceptional solutions to a wide range of construction projects.
“At SuperFOIL, we take great pride in developing the skills of our team members and helping them to achieve their ambitions. I’m glad that Rob has gained so much from his time at SuperFOIL and I wish him all the best for the future.”
Will Bown, MD of SuperFOIL Insulation
You can find out more information about Shire Construction Products at www.shirecp.co.uk and contact the team on 01623 741242
“I’ve really loved working at SuperFOIL and I’m really grateful for everything I’ve learned from them, but we’ll continue working together. At Shire Construction Products, our insulation products will work hand in hand and we’re even going to be stocking SuperFOIL’s products. This has already proved very successful in supplying our products to the NHS for temporary buildings where no other insulation product could meet the requirements.
“Between SuperFOIL’s roof, floor and wall insulation and our pre-formed cavity closers and other construction products, we can help homes to become as energy efficient and comfortable as possible. It’s going to be a great partnership.”
Rob Quinton, Director of Shire Construction Products