floor insulation

Floor Insulation: When Is It Necessary (and When Isn’t It?)

Even if you’ve done it before, you will still need to dedicate a bit of your time and financial resources towards insulating your flat.

At this point, maybe you are considering giving up on floor insulation altogether.  But is that a good idea? Or is it a necessary step when it comes to increasing the energy efficiency of your home?

floor insulation

To answer that, we’ll explain two important aspects:

  • A few different methods of insulating your floor if it’s necessary;
  • Alternatives to insulation in case it is not a must;

This information should help you prioritise your expenditures according to your needs.

How to Deal with Suspended Floor Insulation

As the name suggests, suspended floors are hanging over multiple gaps. The floorboards are set over some joists and you are left with numerous spots where heat loss occurs.

In this case, insulation is highly recommended. Not only will you save money on heating bills, but you will prevent cold feet during the fall and winter!

You have a couple of ways to go about installing suspended floor insulation:

  • If you have access to the crawlspace under the floor (through a cellar, for example), the process should be easy enough to handle.
  • Otherwise, you will need to raise the floorboards yourself. The insulation will go between the joists, as pictured below.

floor insulation

The process can be somewhat troublesome. You would need to move furniture around, and certain insulators (like fibreglass) can create quite the mess.

The good news is that you have options. The SuperFOIL SF19  is a light-weight material and is very easy to install, even if you haven’t done it before. An important plus is that it doesn’t create waste. 

Is Insulation Required for a Solid Floor?

Short answer: Not necessarily. Concrete and screed floors don’t lose as much heat as the previous flooring solution.

However, the right insulation can improve airtightness and resist the passage of moisture, while reflecting heat back into the room.

You can, in theory, install another layer of rigid insulation over the floor. However, keep in mind that would involve:

  • Electrical socket refittings
  • Trimming your room door
  • The need for a damp-proof membrane underneath the floor insulation

Alternatively, you can try out the SuperFOIL SFUF method. We have a handy guide right here if you want to have a look.

floor insulation

You won’t need an electrician for what should be an easy task for reducing heat loss.

Can You Get the Same Results with Carpets?

No, you can’t. You can block off some draughts with carpets, but you won’t achieve the same results. Carpeted floors, on the other hand, are more efficient.

The problem with this method is that you will need to install some underlay beneath the carpeted floor. In essence, that’s still some required insulation.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t have comfort underfoot. Plus, you would need an extra way to help reduce moisture and heat loss.

If you don’t mind the extra work, you can use the following as an underlay:

  • Sponge rubber
  • Foam
  • Felt
  • Crumb rubber

Get ready for some cleaning, though. As you can imagine, those materials (especially crumb rubber) can create a lot of waste.

On the other hand, there’s also our SuperFOIL alternative. It acts as a very efficient method of reducing heat loss through your floors and provides a swell underlay for carpeted floors.

You can request a FREE sample pack right now. You’ll get data sheets as well as product samples, so you can make an informed decision.

If you need any extra information at all, you can contact us at 01636 639 900.


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