When it’s winter and you really want to keep the chilly weather at bay by keeping your home warm and cozy but your home never seems to get just hot enough for you? It is probably the heat escaping from the roof, walls, floor, windows and external doors. Many studies show that up to 75% if not more of the heat is lost through these areas but what can we do to prevent it? It’s not only the winters but also the summers, when the temperatures are sky-rocketing making the interior of the house stuffy and humid. Proper multi foil insulation can help strike a balance of the temperature indoors so that it does not become too hot or too cold. Not only does keeping your house insulated appropriately maximise the comfort of residence and people living in it but also avoids depreciation of property value.
That’s where super and multi-foil insulation make their appearance. These modes of insulation keep the heat inside the house and help you brave the winter chills. There are layered roof, wall and floor insulation services provided. SuperFOIL delivers high performance insulation services at affordable prices. We also comply with the latest building industry regulations and guidelines, which ensures quality and safety.
Products that we offer in order to keep your house insulated.
Though super foil insulation and multi foil insulation are a popular choice among customers for the advantages that they hold, there are also choices of insulators that can be chosen in accordance with your personal and property requirements. These foils can be either applied on the roof, wall, and floor to building regs in order to keep your house warm. A few of the options available in types of insulators are:
- Breathable multi foil insulation
- Fire rated multi foil insulation
- Under floor foil insulation
- Bubble foil insulation
- Reflective membranes
Advantages of installing the super foil insulation or the multi-foil insulation.
Though there prove to be more than one advantage of installing either super foil insulation or multi-foil insulation, a few of the more outstanding and essential advantages are:
- Thermal comfort: Though the thin films of insulators do not look extravagant, they perform their task of keeping the chills at bay even in the coldest of winters. They are essential in keeping your home warm and cozy. Though, it is not just the winters but the insulators aid in keeping a check on the summer heat, which can feel excessive even here in the UK. These insulators help maintain a balance of temperature.
- Save energy: Since insulators use no energy once installed, you can minimise the use of heaters or air conditioners that add up to environmental pollution and at the same time, you can save natural resources.
- Easy to install: These insulators are very easy to install unlike traditional insulators since they are light and versatile and they can be easily transported.
- Saves space: So doing away with physical heaters and air conditioners saves a lot of space in the house where you can make room for other things. As an essential characteristic of the insulator is that it is thin and flexible, it does not take up much space.
Call SuperFOIL today on 01636639900 or drop us a mail at [email protected] in case of any queries