SuperFOIL is Helping to Fight Frostbite in Ukraine

On Monday the 30th of September, over thirteen thousand square metres of SuperFOIL left our warehouse facility in Lincoln. By Monday the 7th of October it had arrived in Lviv, and was headed out toward the front lines of the war in Ukraine, where it will be used to help safeguard Ukrainian soldiers from extreme cold.

But to understand how — and how SuperFOIL became involved in this humbling effort to provide support to Ukrainian soldiers — it’s best to provide a little bit of context.

The Problem

Last Winter, Ukrainian soldiers had to weather incredibly harsh conditions and temperatures as they fought to protect their country from Russian invasion. However, conditions like these can take a terrible toll, and for many Ukrainian soldiers this meant suffering terrible frostbite injuries to their hands and feet.

Unfortunately, as long as the conflict in Ukraine continues, little can be done to prevent the necessity of the trenches and bunkers that are so often connected to these injuries. After all, these fortifications are a vital element of the warfare taking place, and play an invaluable role in preventing further progress of the invasion. 

So, as the weather turns harsh again this year, these soldiers are once again at a very real risk of suffering more of these injuries. However, the necessity of these defences does not mean that there is no hope at all of easing the harsh temperatures and conditions that these soldiers must fight through…

The Solution

Winter conditions can be incredibly harsh, and downright dangerous to the lives of soldiers fighting in the kinds of conditions that the soldiers in Ukraine are dealing with — which is why charities like Nadiya and Hope and Aid are working to find a solution.

We’re honoured to have had the opportunity to work with both of these charities to send SuperFOIL Insulation products to Ukraine, where it will help to provide protection against frostbite.

But how is insulation going to stop frostbite? By doing what insulation is best known for: keeping things warmer!

The insulation that we’ve sent — and the additional insulation that we’re planning to send out — will be used to line the trenches and bunkers being used on the front lines of the conflict in Ukraine.

Once in place, this insulation will help to keep temperatures from getting dangerously low; which will, in turn, help to largely prevent the development of frostbite injuries among the soldiers in those trenches. This will help to keep these soldiers safe from the harm that frostbite threatens — even as they continue to fight in the conflict this Winter.

We’re immensely proud to have been able to play a part in the incredibly important work that these charities have been doing in Ukraine, and hope to continue supporting this work however and whenever we can.


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