Heat loss is an issue that affects many homes in the UK. Fortunately, more and more homeowners are becoming aware of this. What’s more, you can help reduce its effects with foil insulation.
So that you can better understand the heat reflecting properties of this material, we’ll need to address the concept of thermal flux.
The thermal flux of a surface represents the rate at which heat is transferred through the surface.
From that, we gather the following: To reduce heat loss, you must deal with thermal flux in vulnerable areas. These areas include walls, floors, and roofs.

Considering the title of this article, you might be thinking: “Shouldn’t insulation work to keep heat inside during the winter?”
As you will see from the following paragraphs, “reflecting heat” does not mean what you think it does.
Understanding Radiant Heat Transfer
Radiant heat is a form of energy. When it travels through a vacuum, it has no temperature.
What it does is being absorbed by objects, increasing their temperature in the process. Afterwards, the affected item emits radiant heat itself.
That is the phenomenon that causes heat loss or heat gain. Your goal is to reduce its effects by using proper foil insulation.
This material is what “reflects” the radiant heat. Reflective insulation has quite a few beneficial properties, which you will find in the next section.
The Benefits of Reflective Foil Insulation
As we’ve mentioned above, the material is what keeps your radiant heat levels in check.
That means you benefit from increased comfort in your home – not to mention reduced energy costs.
With negligible levels of energy being allowed to escape, it’s no wonder your bills will start dropping pounds.
It also does more for your home than non-reflective insulation such as glass fibre.
For example, SuperFoil 40 brings the following to the table:
- Prevents mould, wood rot, and similar issues. Its CE-certified vapour and water barriers help reduce damaging condensation and moisture.
- You make efficient use of space. Sheep’s wool insulation and similar materials can take their toll on attic space.
- Multifoil insulation is easier to install than other solutions.
- Because of the way it’s built, the SuperFoil material produces significantly less waste than others.
Is It Only Useful during the Winter?
Fortunately, no. What insulation would that be if it only served you for a few months per year?
As we’ve mentioned, the material deals with both heat loss and heat gain. Let’s say it’s summer and your roof is not insulated:
- If you have tiles, your roof temperature can reach upwards of 60°C
- Slate roofs, on the other hand, can get to even 90°C
You can probably gather that the inside of your home will not be very comfortable – quite from it, actually.
Foil insulation helps keep the radiant heat that’s causing those temperatures at bay.
Want to prepare your home for the winter and the coming years? Save time and money on difficult to install, energy inefficient insulation materials?
Then don’t wait until the snow has set in. Grab a free sample pack from us, and you’ll get to see the SuperFoil insulation up close.
Plus, there are some useful data sheets in there that will aid you with any insulation issues.