4.42 R Value
When used in a roof

Chris’ cabin
Project Type
DIY Conversion
Building Type
Cabin Building
SuperFOIL Products Used

Project Overview
The dad of a young man with cystic fibrosis, Chris – contacted us as he wanted to insulate a 3x3m wooden cabin in their back garden. The cabin is used to house exercise equipment that Chris uses to ease anxiety and the symptoms of a bone condition.
After a double lung transplant and issues surrounding organ rejection and infections, Chris requires constant medication and monitoring for other on-going issues including diabetes, osteoporosis and complications with his digestive system.
Because he has a life expectancy of just a few more years, his family is helping him to find ways to take his mind off this and support his mental health – and one of these is an interest in exercise.
The Problem
Unfortunately, the wooden cabin was uninsulated, becoming overly cold in winter and unbearably hot in summer, making it unusable for a large portion of the year.
Chris’ dad, Dan had been looking into the best products to make the cabin a more comfortable temperature and saw that SuperFOIL SF60 was exactly what he needed; being easy to install, narrow and flexible.
He wrote to us about the situation and we were happy to help, supplying all the kit he’d need to insulate the cabin.
Fitting the insulation was a breeze:
“I had to cut the insulation along its length to give me approx. 73cm for the distance between the beams and taped up the rough long edge – the width of the superFOIL was just right for this with no waste – made for the job!! Installation was easy using a staple gun and two people.”
Using a laser thermometer on the inside of the roof before installation showed the inside temperature reached 28 degrees celsius in full sun. Once the SuperFOIL insulation was installed, the internal temperature reduced to 19 degrees.
With our SF60 installed, the cabin is a much more comfortable environment for Chris to exercise in, helping his health and happiness.
*Names changed to preserve anonymity